Enter and View - Community Maternity Services

We visited the Community Maternity Services at Eldene Health Centre and Swindon Health Centre on 22nd April 2024.

Our Enter and View visits are a way that we can gather information about services and collect views of service users, staff and volunteers.

Following on from our visit we have made some recommendations to the service provider based on the feedback we have received and what we observed.

Our recommendations are:

  • Hubs to be in fixed and appropriate locations, each providing sufficient clinical space for number of patients accessing midwifery services.
  • Removal of shower curtains etc and facilities furnished with appropriate and adequate fixtures and storage to improve functionality of appointments and non-clinical space.
  • All clinical rooms should have wash basins, lockable doors, privacy glass and screens to maintain patients’ dignity and hygiene standards.
  • Safe and secure settings for parent courses.
  • Designated staff areas, to ensure patients clinical needs can be discussed privately and allow staff an area for emotional release to maintain their efficiency and enhance their resilience.
  • Clear and professional logos and signage to indicate the Maternity Hubs should be implemented.


Read our report

Department Response

“Our thanks go to Healthwatch for their encouraging and detailed report that shares key findings from your recent visit, and to our staff and families for working with Healthwatch during their visit.

We are pleased that Healthwatch identified a positive, supportive, warm and welcoming environment across our community maternity services whilst recognising the estate challenges. Healthwatch recognised good communication between midwives and families, with supportive computer systems being in place.

We value the patient feedback to support ongoing discussion with the GP practices and the Integrated Care Board to improve the services provided and to support discussions regarding the allocated estate.

We recognise that there is still more work we need to do, and our maternity leadership team, supported by the wider maternity team, is working hard to drive forward continuous improvement to enable us to provide the very best level of service to our community.”

Lisa Marshall, Director of Midwifery and Neonatal Services

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