Latest news and views

Government plans for social care reform: Healthwatch England's response
Louise Ansari has described the plans as a 'desperately needed first step'.

Your August News
This month we bring you our latest reports, a call out to share your experiences about accessing eye care plus much more!

Exposing the unmet need in social care: Your stories
People tell us how social care support could improve their quality of life.
Latest reports and publication

Healthwatch Swindon's Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct sets out the expectations Healthwatch Swindon has of all those who work or carry out activities for it, in a voluntary or paid capacity, including trustees, employees, students and volunteers.
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Digital access to healthcare in Bath & North East Somerset and Swindon
The NHS is encouraging online access across many service areas. We wanted to find out what this digital push means for patients.
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