Our Advisory Group
Amritpal Kaur - Projects Portfolio Manager: Healthwatch Bath & North East Somerset & Healthwatch Swindon
Amritpal is the manager of Healthwatch Swindon and Healthwatch Bath and North East Somerset.
Amritpal is a dedicated manager and played a pivotal role in establishing and growing a business into a successful dental practice in Swindon. She is a qualified dental/implant nurse and worked for the NHS Covid-19 additional clinical services child and adult workforce as a Clinical caseworker.
Healthwatch provides a valuable service to those that are using the health and social care services in Swindon and we are working with community groups and individuals to ensure that all voices are heard.
Harry Dale - Volunteer
Harry is retired and comes from a forces (RAF), medical services and business background. He has been involved with Local NHS organisations since 2008, as a GWH Governor, a PPG lead and directly with NHS as a Patient Leader. He has also been involved with the local Commissioning Group helping on procurements, projects and on interview panels for staff offering a patient's perspective.
Steve Barnes - Volunteer
Steve worked in IT for a large financial organisation in Swindon for 34 years before taking retirement. During that time, he was an active rep for the union and served on the National Executive Committee for over 15 years, including two years as President of the Union and a number of years as Treasurer.
During his career he was a membership assessor of the BCS (the Chartered Institute for I.T.) for a number of years, as well as being chair of the PTA for his sons’ primary school.
He was elected as a Trustee of The Care Forum at their 2018 AGM. He has also represented us on recruitment panels for some recent B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group appointments.
Past Advisory Group papers
We make the papers for our advisory group meetings available online. We also publish a summary of what was discussed. Check out our past meetings to read more.