Transgender people asked to help improve the NHS Gender Identity Services in the South West

Transgender and gender-diverse individuals who are over 16 years old and live in the South West area are being encouraged to take part in an online survey to help improve NHS Gender Identity Services.

NHS England and NHS Improvement’s (NHSE and I) commissioners are working in collaboration with local providers of gender identity (GI) services and local voluntary and community sector organisations that support transgender and gender diverse people to review and improve GI care pathways in the South West (SW).

To help achieve this, The Intercom Trust is running a survey on behalf of the NHS for people over 16 who identify as Trans in the South West as part of a wider review of services.

The anonymous and confidential survey findings will be independently analysed by The Intercom Trust and will be shared with the NHS to inform the next steps they can take to collectively co-design integrated and person-centered care pathways for Trans people across the primary, community, and secondary care settings to meet the needs of 21st Century South West residents.

If you are over 16, live in the South West and identify as Trans you can take part online at  

Or, if you would prefer to participate by telephone instead or have any questions you would like to ask before deciding whether or not to participate, please call: Intercom Trust Confidential Helpline on 0800 612 3010 (open Monday - Friday 9am to 4pm). If you would prefer to directly ask commissioners questions about this project before deciding whether to take part you may do so by emailing

Please encourage as many of your Trans friends and loved ones who live in the SW to also join in.

This survey is open to anyone who identifies as transgender or gender diverse, resides in the South West of England, and is over the age of 16. The NHS won’t be able to improve absolutely everything because some things are beyond their current powers, but they are committed to improving the things they can where they can and can’t improve anything without your help. 

All of your views are important and are very much appreciated. The closing date for the survey is 31 March 2021.