The value of listening: Our annual report 2023 - 2024

Our annual report 2023-24 shares how we've listened and championed the peoples, partners and organisations voices of Swindon to help shape health and social care services.

Our achievements 

Here's how our dedicated staff and volunteers made a difference in 2023-24:

Our priorities for 2024-25

  •  Supporting the health needs of marginalised groups in particular:
    • Drugs & alcohol
    • Unpaid Carers
    • Refugees
    • Those on Probation
    • Users of Nelson Trust
    • The Global Majority 
  • Children and Young Peoples Voice heard in the delivery of healthcare
  • Mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Learning Disabilities and Autism
  • Primary/secondary Care with a strong focus on accessibility
  • Social Care 

We stand ready to help. So over the next year we’ll keep reaching out to every part of society. We’ll focus on improving the issues that matter most to the people of Swindon. And we’ll work with partners to help develop an NHS where, at every level, staff strive to listen to and learn from patients to make care safer and better.

Have your say

Please share your views and experiences to help improve services for you and your loved ones. 


If you require this report in a different format have any enquiries regarding the report please email or call 01793 497 777. 

Healthwatch Swindon Annual Report 2023 - 2024

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