Healthwatch Swindon Advisory Group
Our Advisory Group is made up of our volunteers, our staff and at least one representative from the Tenant’s Group at Sanford House. One of its main functions is to decide on our work priorities for the year.
This is usually based on what we have heard from members of the public who will have spoken to us at events or over the phone about their experiences of health and social care in Swindon. We look at themes which have emerged from those conversations that we've had to help us plan our work.
Our Advisory Group is here to:
- Discuss and agree on our priorities
- Update the group on current work projects
- To plan and agree on future Enter and View visits
- Discuss feedback received from the public and identify emerging themes, and use this to inform the work that we do
- Go through finance and budgets and allocate funds, such as Community Pot grants, to local organisations to deliver specific pieces of work
Members of the public are welcome to attend the Advisory Group to observe the proceedings. If you would like to attend, please let us know at least one week prior to the meeting.
Any questions that you have can be submitted to be answered at the Advisory Group one week prior to the meeting date. If you are not in attendance, this will be answered by post or e-mail within a week of the meeting. Members of the public will not be part of the meeting, this is for observation only.
If you need these documents in a different format, please email or call 01793 497 777.
You can find out more about current and past work priorities in the 'Key Projects' section of our website.