Unpaid carers: complete our survey

We want to know what happens when someone rejects being given care and the impact that this has on their carer. We are also interested in what it is like to access care on behalf of someone else and the barriers that carers face.
A father and daughter walking outside a house, arm in arm. The father is using a walking stick.

This survey is looking at the experiences of unpaid carers looking after people over the age of 18 in Swindon, Wiltshire, and Bath and North East Somerset.

Complete our survey 

We want to better understand the issues that carers face. How are you impacted when the person you care for refuses to accept help? Do you feel involved in decision made about the people you care for?

Please complete our survey and make your voice heard.

Am I an unpaid carer?

Carers Trust says: "A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.

"Anyone could be a carer – a 15-year-old girl looking after a parent with an alcohol problem, a 40-year-old man caring for his partner who has terminal cancer, or an 80-year-old woman looking after her husband who has Alzheimer's disease."