Invite extended to Public for virtual Governing Body meeting in plan to keep locals informed and involved

People living in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire can find out more about what’s happening with the health and care in their area by attending an upcoming virtual meeting of the local CCG’s Governing Body on Thursday 19 November.
Bath and North Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire CCG logo

Bath and North Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group will meet on Thursday 19 November at 10 am and is inviting those with an interest in healthcare to share their voice and put questions to local clinicians along with the executive team leading the CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group).  

A key item to be discussed at the meeting is CCG's communication and engagement strategy, which lays out how the organisation intends to inform and involve local people on the healthcare available in their local area.

The detailed strategy includes information on the CCG’s newly-formed Our Health Our Future citizens’ panel, which is an interactive arena where up to 1,000 members of the local community can have their say on current health and care issues.

Moving the meetings online has enabled us to open the floor to a much larger audience, and I very much hope that residents from all areas of Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire will join us in discussing matters that affect our community.

Julian Kirby, Lay Member for Patient and Public Engagement

Any person who would like to attend the meeting, receive the online joining instructions and meeting papers, or ask a question should email the CCG no later than 5 pm on Monday 16 November using BSW CCG Communications email .

More information about the CCG can be found online at, while details of how to join the citizens’ panel can be obtained by sending an email to

In an effort to remind the public of the importance of their participation, Julian Kirby, Lay Member for Patient and Public Engagement, concluded,

"These meetings are not for the CCG to tell the community about health and care provision in the area but are an opportunity to form a conversation, in which constructive dialogue can have a real impact on how local healthcare is delivered."