Community Pot Fund - Working with the Nepalese Association in Swindon
After our meeting with the Nepalese Association of Swindon earlier this year, we awarded the group a grant from our 'Community Pot Fund'. We wanted the group to carry out a piece of engagement work with its members to start in October 2019.
The purpose of this engagement is to speak to people from the Nepalese community about their experiences of health and social care in Swindon, via an online survey and face-to-face engagement.
We worked together worked with the Nepalese Association to develop the survey questions.
From this we would like to understand:
- Which services people use
- If they are able to overcome language barriers
- If the services in Swindon are meeting their needs
- What improvements to services could be made
Once the engagement work has been completed we will analyse the data and share our findings in a final report. This will be shared with the public, commissioners and health providers in Swindon.
If you are Nepalese and live in Swindon we would love to hear from you.