Where would the people and communities of Swindon like to find Cancer information and support
As an independent champion for health and care, we were delighted to support Macmillan by asking the people and communities of Swindon where they would like to find Cancer information and support.
Having previously reviewed the Cancer support available on GP websites, and in Swindon. Healthwatch Swindon visited various community venues and café's across Swindon, along with using a questionnaire to make sure everyone had the opportunity to have their voice heard.

This report will be shared widely and we encourage both NHS and Local Authorities to work with Macmillan and Healthwatch Swindon to ensure information and support is available where requested.
Healthwatch Swindon would like to thank Macmillan for supporting this project. Along with all the organisations and individuals that have taken the time to input their views. Especially DASH and The Nelson Trust for their support to gather feedback from their service users.