Healthwatch Swindon Quarter 4 Report - 2018/19
Find out about the work we've carried out in January 2019 to April 2019.

The projects we've worked on during this quarter are:
- One of our priorities has been to support improvement in Mental Health services. We were asked by the Swindon Clinical Commissioning Group to carry out a telephone survey for feedback on the temporary closure of the Health Based Place of Safety in Swindon and Wiltshire and to gather feedback on people's experiences of using the service in Devizes. The report can be read here.
- We worked with Age UK Wiltshre and created a survey aimed at older people to better understand people’s experiences in later life. The report can be read here.
- First City Nursing and Care – a survey for those receiving care in their own homes. Healthwatch volunteers carried out surveys with clients in their own homes. This information has been collated and returned to First City, who also carried out their own surveys. First City commissioned the Institute of Public Care at Oxford Brookes University to produce a detailed report and evaluation for their internal use and it (with other feedback from customers) has been used to inform the development of First City’s care planning arrangements. Following on from this piece of work we have extended our agreement to work with First City during 2019 to support the development of their customer reference group and other engagement work in day centres and sheltered housing.
- We have been working with Swindon Advocacy Movement (SAM) since last year to train their services users, who have learning disabilities, to carry out Enter and View visits with Healthwatch volunteers to various services across Swindon. The final report can be read here.
If you need this report in a different format, please email or call 01793 497 777.
Q4 Report 2018/19