Our Priorities for the year

Each year Healthwatch Swindon sets its priorities for the year ahead based on the experiences that we hear from local people.

These are gathered by:

Reviewing feedback that we have received over the past year. 

We discuss the feedback and findings our volunteers and they help us decide what areas we focus on in the year ahead.

We also talk to local commissioners and voluntary sector organisations to ensure our work add values to what they’re doing and to check that we aren’t duplicating work that’s already being done elsewhere.

While other people can suggest areas of focus to us, we are an independent organisation and decide our own workplan.


Our priorities for 2024/25

  •  Supporting the health needs of marginalised groups in particular:
    • Drugs & alcohol
    • Unpaid Carers
    • Refugees
    • Those on Probation
    • Users of Nelson Trust
    • The Global Majority 
  • Children and Young Peoples Voice heard in the delivery of healthcare
  • Mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Learning Disabilities and Autism
  • Primary/secondary Care with a strong focus on accessibility
  • Social Care