About this event
The 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Tuesday 22 October at 2pm (13.30 for registration) in the main hall at Pinetrees Community Centre, The Circle, Swindon SN2 1QR .
You do not need to be a member to come along to the AGM and open event, and dveryone is welcome. You can become a member by doing this on the day or in advance.
If you would like to attend but would have difficulty in doing so, please contact Swindon Seniors Forum using the contact details below.
Contact details
For further information or to join the Forum, please use the contact form or one of the following:
Members email: swindonseniors@talktalk.net
Non-members email: info@swindonseniors.uk
Telephone or text 07828446672