About this event
The next patient participation group (PPG) forum will be held from 11am - 1pm on Wednesday 4 September at Sanford House, Sanford Street SN1 1HE.
As usual, up to four people from each GP surgery PPG will be invited - including up to one member of staff.
This is not a public meeting so if you’re not already involved with the patient group at your surgery you might like to find out more about it from the surgery itself.
We will be hearing from Fiona Castle, chief officer of Community Pharmacy Swindon and Wiltshire (the local pharmaceutical committee).
She will be talking about the role of community pharmacies, the relationship between pharmacies, GP practices and the new primary care networks; and about the supply and availability (or not) of some medication – and answering your questions.
We will also have a session about the challenges and opportunities facing practices and PPGs – for example, how to really get people involved.
Contact details
For further details and to confirm your attendance contact: